How to Create Your Study System


Creating Your Study System

A study system is basically a way to organize your study. You can create a system to be better in studies. There are certain tips to make or devise an effective study system.

1.     Analyse  learning style

Every student has his own learning style. You can check whether you can work for longer time period or not. You can also analyse which time suits you or more productive . Do you need break and your preference of learning. Then specific learning style like visual, auditory, kinaesthetic  and reading.

2.     Plan study time for each subject

Different subjects demand different time to cover. At the start of the session course contents are shared with students. According to them, a student can plan time period for each subject.

3.     Develop a schedule

You have to develop a schedule. You should make weekly and daily schedule. You should check time period available for study.

4.     Make Study as part of routine

As you have the routine to eat, to use phone and to talk with friends. You have to develop the routine of studying. It should be so rigid that you can’t skip it.

5.     Planning of breaks

You should take regular breaks while studying. Dating that break, you can hydrate yourself, chew some snacks, go for walk, can do swimming or attend yoga class. You have to take small rest.

6.     Apply Pomodoro technique

You can apply the Pomodoro technique. This is basically to study for 25  minutes, take 5 minutes break then repeat 3 times and take longer break after four times.

7.     Form a study group

A study group or friend will assist person to stick to schedule. If you forget to study at specific time these can help you to remember it. You can also set common goals.

8.     Evaluate study plan and adjust it

You can evaluate the study plan and then can adjust it according to needs. If you are less motivated, not getting results, don’t have time then you can change it accordingly.

SQ3R: The Basic System

This is the basic system of study acknowledged universally. Here s stands for survey, q for questions and 3 R for read, recite and review. It is 5 step technique that can use for effective learning. It also helps in written information. It also helps in clear sketching of documents. A person can use this technique in the following way.

Step 1: Survey

First of all you have to go through the text to establish a purpose. In survey you have to read the title, subtitles, illustrations, graphs, charts etc. You should also used questions at the end of chapter. You may read the chapter summary at last.

Step 2: Questions

Before starting the detailed reading, you should turn up the headings into questions. Note down the questions which come up in your mind before reading. You can also jot down the ones which come up daring survey. The questions can be about the certain thing to find out from text. It may be about the outcome of reading.

Step 3 : Read

Now in step 3 you have to read the text for understanding and finding answers. Read the whole documents section by section and note down points which didn’t understand for further research. Be sure to make questions before reading and getting answers after it. It can be what is SQ3R?. Then getting answer of it while reading.

Step 4: Recite

In this step, you have to recite all the things or concepts in your mind several times. Identify important points and relate other information with them. Then, again check out  the questions section  and answer them.

Step 5: Review

Now it’s time for reviewing the information. Start by rereading the text or notes. It’s important to sure that you read all information. You can discussion with another  person. Keep reviewing it with regular intervals to keep it fresh in mind. It can be after week, months or several months. It will be helpful in keeping it in long-term memory.

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