Ways of Organizing Info for Study

Organizing Information for Study

Organization is basically arrangement of things. The organisation of information helps student to be connected with the study. It also helps to maintain time in wise way. Students used to get as many information as they can but they don’t know the art of organising it. This is common problem among the students.

This organisation demands an effective plan. Some people are reluctant to spend time in arranging information because they believe that having it is enough. It’s really important to have a skill of organising information. Here are top ways to organize information for study.

1.     Memorization

According to a research, 80% of the learning material is not remembered by the people. So, it's very important to memorize information because most of the exams test the knowledge of persons. In semester students have to cover a lot topics and without memorization it’s not possible. This will help to save your time. Don’t revise the same concept time and again if you are done with it once.

Benefits of memorization

Memorization is helpful in certain ways.

It helps in learning information for long time.

It exercised the brain to retain information.

It develops critical thinking.

It adds creativity in your writing.

It increased concentration.

It helps in remembering concepts.

Tips for memorization

Visual aids are acknowledged as useful in memorization but there are certain other ways as well like

Understanding of the topic

Connect the topic with previous knowledge

Take enough sleep

Self assessment

2.     Concept or Information Maps

Information, maps or concept maps are the representation of information by visualizing technique. It may have certain forms like tables, graphs, charts etc. These are useful to all learners but visual learners can get more from them. These can be used in analysing the information or comparing and contrasting it.

Making concept maps

As these are crucial for understanding, so, you should know how to make them. You can follow the following pattern.

Identify the main topic and write it in the centre of the page.

Explore key concepts and write them through branching from main topic or using linking words

Format the map and check it

Revise the map if necessary.

Types of concept maps

Different forms of concept maps are

Spider mapping

Flow charting

System mapping

Hierarchy mapping

Benefits of concept maps

These maps are beneficial in certain ways.

Help to see topic with broader perspective

Appeal to different learning styles

Explore complex ideas in simple way

Promote collaboration

3.     Comparison Charts

Comparison Charts are used to compare the performance of two or more items. These  can be used to compare different products and services. These are useful in comparison of different students’ performance. These are used to find similarities and differences. These can be created by using different software. Excel is most common among them.

There are different types comparison charts like slope charts, progress charts, pie charts, donut charts and matrix chart. A slope chart shows development between two points like dates. These can be seen as line charts showing start and end point. Progress charts are used in classroom, homes etc. They are used to promote good behaviours.  

Pie charts are circular statistical graph, which is divided into slice to show proportional data. Length of proportional slice relates its quantity. Donuts charts are the variation of pie chart which has donut shape. It also shows percentage of different items. Matrix chart is a management planning tool used to present the relationship between data sets.

You can make a comparison chart in excel using the following way

Launch excel

Enter data

Insert comparison chart

Customize it


Go to redraw

Search template

Add data and customize

4.     Timeline

A timeline is the representation of ideas or events in chronological order. Chronological order is the order like first, second, third etc. It can be the list of tasks like important event, when the event occurred, list the event in order and organized them from oldest to newest. Simply it is the schedule of activities. It is used to evaluate the learning and to analyse the course contents. You can use minutes in hour or chapters in book technique for making timeline.

Why should timelines be used?

Timeline has certain uses.

They provide general overview of the history.

They aid in processing of information.

They are helpful in self assessment.

They are interesting way of understanding like white board, sticky notes or cards and spread sheet.

They provide efficient time management.

They improved communication and enthusiasm.

5.     Process Diagrams

A process diagram is the visual representation of steps required to complete given task. These can be used by any one like customers, business owners, researchers, delivery services, health care and education. Different types of process diagram are process flow chart, work flow diagram, swimlane flow chart and data flow chart.

The purpose of process diagram is to show the different stages of a process. These diagrams can be used for

Communication in team

Identification of areas for improvement

Tracking progress

Manufacturing process of new products

Checking the progress of student

Creating process diagram

Before creating a process diagram you must have knowledge of different symbols used in it.

It shows the main step. Operation

Check of quality. Inspection

Transport, how much information is transmitted

Storage, remembering of information

Delay or temporary storage

Now start creating process diagram

1.      Determine problem

2.      Decide activities needed to include

3.      Analyse boundaries

4.      Identify steps and arrange them.

5.      Draw the symbols

6.      Finalise it

7.      Identify process

8.      Outline its scope


6.     Informal Outline

Informal outline is blueprint of the argument. It is just like any other outline but it’s not rigid as it is informal. Ideas are listed down in this outline.

How to Make Informal Outline

It is not the rigid outline but still you can make in the following pattern.

1.      Write the title of your outline, it should be reflection of your main topic.

2.      Formulate your thesis, what will be given about the topic.

3.      Write main idea.

4.      Write supporting details.

In this way you can create an informal outline.

7.     Branching Diagrams

Branching diagrams are used to present information in the form of branches of tree. These are used to describe branches, types or characteristics of things. These are also used to tell relation between items and to show the structure of subheadings.

How to draw branching diagrams

You can draw branching diagrams by

1.      Writing main idea at the top

2.      Draw circle or rectangle around it

3.      Describe all the ideas, headings and subheadings

4.      Put them in branches

These diagrams are useful for classification, family trees and organism charts etc. These are also helpful in visual representation and remembering. There are two forms of branching diagrams tree diagrams and mind maps.

Tree diagram is just like the tree having main branch, then sub branches and further branches. You can create it by choosing main concept. Place it at the top. Create first branch and keep adding branches. Finish the tree diagram and make adjustments as needed,

Mind map is the visualizing of related ideas and concepts. These are also used to break the large topic into manageable chunks. These are also helpful in summarizing of information, taking notes, presenting information clearly and studying and memorizing information.


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