Making the Most of Your Time ⌚


Making the Most of Your Time

Have you ever found the lack of time to study well? Or you didn’t have time to call your loved ones. If you face such problems then you must know about the time management or you should know about the strategies to save your time. Here we have certain tips to make a manageable routine.

1.      Plan ahead every morning

Your morning should start from planning the whole day. When you woke up just took the pen and paper and write your daily routine that what will you do today. You have to write down your tasks, to do list and at the end reward for yourself after completion of task.

2.      Get enough sleep

Mostly people sacrificed sleep to accomplish a task which got delay. But this is not the right way. If you really want to do something awesome. Then first of all you have to take good sleep. You have to take at least 7-8 hours sleep in a day.  You have to set a pattern of sleep by maintaining the sleeping and waking time almost fixed for each day. You should turn off the visual stimulus like lights, cell phone and TV before going to sleep.

3.      Make time for fun

You should takeout your important tasks like completion of assignment and preparation of quiz and having fun side by side. You shouldn’t waste your whole time in fun. You can take a moment of rest from your busy life. You take a break from busy routine to meet a friend or to watch movie, to bake a cake. You can do whatever you want to relax yourself.

4.      Take a break every 90 minutes

As a human being you can’t work in a good and active manner for the whole day. You have to take a break for 15-20 minutes after working of 90 minutes. In this duration you can take a small nap, call a good friend, enjoy some snack or do exercise. This break will help your mind to work efficiently.

How to Grab Some Time

A person must know the art of grabbing time. If you are facing economic crisis then surely you will utilize your money in a very good way so that you may save it for later use. Similarly, you should save your time to use it in a good way. Now the question will come in your mind that how you can save your time ?

  •       You should have knowledge of your daily activities and time that these utilize.
  •         Identify your working hours
  •         Mark out time for important and unimportant things
  •       Remove the unnecessary time consuming activities like spending 3 to 4 hours on social media aimlessly.
  •         Make daily and weekly plan.
  •         Use stop watch

In this way, you can grab time for important activities.

Scheduling Your Time

Schedule is an important skill for better life. Just as you love to save money, you should also like you schedule your time. As you noticed that in a college a timetable used to follow class management. You call it as timetable. So you have to make a timetable for the rest of the day. Mostly it happens that students didn’t prepare in the whole session and at exam time they are depressed  this happens because of lack of management. You should make a weekly and daily schedule.

Prepare a weekly schedule

As its name shows that it should be done each week. Every Sunday you have to sit down and write your weekly schedule. You can do it in the following way.

  •        Write down your class time table
  •         Mention assignment or test of that week
  •    Check your notes and mark out if you have to add any additionally material
  •        Add extracurricular activities of that week
  •        Note down day and time for each assignment, quiz, projects or group discussion.

Prepare daily schedule

If you think that your term calendar or weekly schedule is enough for you. You are surely wrong. You have to make daily schedule as well. Each evening 🌃  you should make your daily schedule for the next day. Do it in the following way

  •         Write down everything of that day from your weekly schedule
  •         Mention the tasks of previous day that are not completed
  •        Include other activities that needed to be include from weakly schedule
  •      Here you go to start your day in a good way.

Use breaks wisely

You should utilize the time between the tasks to relax the mind. Pomodoro technique is best in this regard which was developed in 1990s. According to it, you have to work in short intervals and take short regular time breaks. You can use timer in this aspect. After 25 minutes you have to take 5 minutes break. After repeating this 3 times, then after 4th one take longer break.

Tackle small tasks to start

Large projects and exam anxiety can push you behind. So, it’s better to break the bigger tasks into smaller ones to complete.  You can also start from the smaller task to complete, and them move to larger one.

Time Management and Learning Style

Time management is basically managing ourselves in relation to time. It is to use time in a good way. Management of time will help you to organize everyday. It also assists you to finish everything right on time. It helps to involve in important meetings and give you space to be more creative and proactive.

Learning style is basically a way in which a student learns better there are four basic learning styles like visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and reading writing style.

 You have to manage your time according to particular learning style. If you are a visual learner then you can save your time by watching related images and videos related to topic instead of writing it time and again. In case of auditory learning style, add sounds related thing to get the most of your time. For kinaesthetic one, you appropriate things related to it. For the reading style try to utilize time in reading the topics or writing it down.


Procrastination is basically the act of delaying or postponing certain decisions or actions. It is opposite of time management. For instance, if a student is delaying his assignment without any specific reason till the deadline, it means he is procrastinating. It leads to negative outcomes. This delay is usually unintentional,

Following are the instances of procrastination

  •         Browsing social media
  •        Staying up hours later than intended at night
  •        Lacking progress in project
  •        Wanting to ask something but delayed

There are different causes of  procrastination. Some of them are as follow

  •       Prioritization of short-term mood
  •      Task aversiveness  
  •        Anxiety and fear
  •      Feeling overwhelmed
  •      Delayed outcomes
  •      Low motivation
  •      Time management issues
  •       Low energy
  •       Low capacity of self control
  •     Problematic environment

Procrastination can be solved by starting from the smallest task to do. For example you can initiate an essay by writing a word. You can overcome the procrastination through the following procedure.

  •       Specific and realistic goals
  •      Access your procrastination
  •      Create an action plan
  •      Implement the plan


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