Tips to develop Critical Thinking and Study Skills


Develop Critical Thinking and Study Skills

Critical thinking is the one of the important skillsfor motivation of a student. Same is true for study skills that are also vital for learning easily. First of all, you need to know what arecritical thinking and study skills?

What is a critical thinking?

It is a skill of critically thinking about information which is given to you. A student will not only get information but try to comprehend it, he will think about other possibilities as well if he will have any problem.

What are study skills?

Study Skills are a group of skills which control the process of taking, retaining and organizing information. These skills help you to learn effectively while staying motivated.

Tips to develop Critical Thinking and Study Skills

There are several ways to develop Critical thinking and study skills.

1.      Behaviour Modifications

You can follow certain points to modify your behaviour

·        Follow association pattern

·        Train you brain for thinking

·        Reinforce  yourself to study


2.      Study with Interval

Studying continuously can bore you and make your mind tired. So, you should follow this pattern

·        Do not study more than 20-30 minutes  continuously

·        Take a break

·        Divide your time according to subjects in a day

·        Begin with a hard or tough subject

3.      Prepare for your Class at Best Time

If you want to prepare yourself for class then you have to check whether the course is lecture oriented or discussion base.

·        In case of lecture course, you have to study immediately after class

·        If the course demands answer questions session then prepare before the class

·        Review and organize notes

·        Try to memorize the things

·        You can pose question to yourself


4.      Memorize Actively

You must memorize the key points actively. Never do it in passive mode. Don’t follow the method of reading over and over again. Try new techniques

·        Use visualizing technique

·        Use sound, say the words aloud and listen them

·        Try to link the points


5.      Read and Study Side by Side

You may read and study at the same time by following the very easy OK4R method.

·        Overview the topic by reading title, headings, introductory and concluding paragraph.

·        Key ideas are the vital part of your learning. You can use skimming for it, while noticing italics, bold and bullet sections or through some sort of pictures and tables

·        Read the topic from start to end thoroughly

·        Recall it after reading. You can recall major points.

·        Reflect it by relating with another knowledge and build a link

·        Review it if you have to prepare for a quiz.


6.      Form a Study Group

You can develop study skill and critical thinking by forming a study group. While studying in a group, ask few questions from yourself.

·        Do you have understanding of topic?

·        Do your opinion is different from your fellows?

·        If approaches are different then what are the grounds?


7.      Involve Yourself in Class Discussion

Another way to study best is to show your involvement in class discussions.

·        Pour out what you learned from lecture

·        Ask questions

·        Offer your opinion

·        Questions about others opinion


8.      Engage with Course Content

You have to engage yourself with the course by

·        Completing assignments

·        Analyzing your understanding of lecture

·        Evaluating the arguments


9.      Ask Questions

If you have any difficulty in a topic.

·        Never afraid to ask

·        It’s a great way to learn

·        A way for good discussions with instructor and fellows

·        Opportunity for exchange of ideas


10.  Research Deeper

While reading a topic try to go deeper while doing research. You can use

·        Library

·        Internet

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