Adapt Learning Method to Teaching Style


Adapt Learning Method to Teaching Style

Though students learn effectively more through their learning styles but teaching methods are also important in this context. Students may learn through certain learning styles and there are 7 types of learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, logical, social and solitary.

Identify your Learning Style

First of all, you have to identify the style of learning,

·        you may consult Library, Internet and teachers to know about different learning styles

·        you have to utilize them for your benefits.

·        It will save your time

·         It  helps you a lot in studying.

Adapting to the teacher’s style

Teaching methodology varies from course to course, as long courses demand lecture methods while short ones can go with group discussions.

Ø  Visual learning

In case of visual learning, you have to make charts while using information of lectures. It will help you in lecture method as well.

Ø  Auditory learning

If you are an auditory learner then you are lucky to have lecture course. You can easily learn by listening the information and also can note it.

Ø  Tactile learner

For tactile learner,  things go little bit tough but he has to use his hands. He has to participate in the class and he may perform certain experiments. These learners can complete their assignments easily.

Communicate with Teacher

Though mostly teachers tried to adjust the teaching method according to students. Still some of them expect from students to go along with them. It does not mean that he will not help you, surely he will.

·        You have to communicate with teacher if his method is difficult for you.

·        If you are getting low grades then ask help from him

·        Tell him about your learning style

·        He will recommend some additional books or material

Importance of Content

Content also matters a lot in this aspect. After spending one or two years in a college. You have certain likeness to subject or profession you want you choose. It demands on the field you want to choose.

Ø  If you want to become a teacher then you can mix the lecture and your experience

Ø  If you want to become a researcher, you will enjoy visual and verbal  learning


While concluding, it can be said that for adapting the learning style to teaching method you must have knowledge of learning styles. You have to opt it according to teaching methodology. You have to keep your major in mind then you will be in ease.

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