Discover and Use your Learning Style

 Discover and Use your Learning Style

What is a learning style?

If a student wants to discover his or her learning style, at first he must know what is a learning style?

Learning style is the preference of a learner or individual for how he likes to learn something and how he can generate new information while using the previous one.

Learning Styles

There are different learning styles and one can’t say that which one is best and which is worse. Each style has its own significance. Some learning styles are as follow

• Visual (learning through seeing)

• Auditory (learning by hearing)

• Reading/ writing

• Kinesthetic (physical, learning by moving and doing)

• Verbal (learning through speaking)

• Logical (learning through the use of logic and reason)

• Social (interpersonal, learning through group discussion)

• Solitary (intrapersonal, learning alone)

Discover your Learning Style

First of all, you must have knowledge of different types or forms of learning. Then, you have to choose which suits you. A student may follow the following steps to know about different learning styles.

1. Read about different styles

• Consult library

• Ask you teacher

• Search on the website

• It is acknowledge that there are 7 types of learning styles such as, visual, auditory, physical, verbal, social, logical, and solitary.

2. Try visual learning

After having the knowledge of different styles, now you should try them. Start with the visual style and follow the following steps.

• Put the question that do you rely on images in your learning.

• Add images in your topic while learning i.e. flow chart, tree diagram etc.

• Use a map

3. Practice auditory learning

Now it’s time to practice auditory learning

• Add sounds to your study lessons

• Read your text book passages aloud

• Listen an audio book

If you find these steps are helpful in your learning then surely you are an auditory learner.

4. Learn through words

Figure out

• Comfortable with words or not

• Do you like reading?

• Easy with lecture or presentation

• Have you make written outlines of lesson?

If you found these elements in yourself then surely you are a verbal learner.

5. Use movement to learn

These students have certain abilities

• Rely on their hands

• Sense of touch

• Physical activity

If you have such abilities then, try to stand up or walk while reading. Use different physical objects as tools to learn.

6. Investigate Logic

These students are

• Puzzle solvers

• Use reason

• Good at math

If you have such skills but didn’t know about them then try these tips

 Rearrange the content

 Make connections

7. Learn with Others

If you have skill of learning in the group discussion then, surely you are a social learner. You may check following qualities in yourself

 Does the thought of group discussion excite you?

 Try to form a study group

 Try to help other if they ask

8. Practice Solitary Learning

If you want to judge yourself as solitary learner then you have to check

 Can you study independently?

 Do you focus on every aspect of topic?

 Have you make plans to study?

 Do you form individual goal?

If the answers are yes then you are a solitary learner and go ahead and win the world.

Use your Learning Style

After discovering your learning style, now it’s time to use it for your learning.

There are different ways to use your learning style and it depends on a learning style itself that how a student can use that particular learning method. Now, we look at usage of various learning styles one by one.

1. Visual

In case of visual learner, a student has to use diagrams, flow charts, colors and spider charts when he is revising his notes. A student may use those books which have a lot of images and mind maps. He can use colors for organizing content on the paper.

2. Auditory

An auditory learner may read his notes aloud. He can record his voice and listen it time and again for learning. He can opt the courses that need group discussion.

3. Reading

If you are good at reading then you can read and rewrite important key points of the course in revision cards. You can use numbering and bullets for writing. A good reader may choose a comprehensive course for him.

4. Kinesthetic

A student having kinesthetic learning style can learn best through experience. You have to spend time to put your learning into practice before actual exam. You have to practice a lot. These persons should choose courses that demand interaction and case study.

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