Preparing for Tests

Preparing for Tests

How to Prepare for Test : Three Steps

First of all, you must know what is a test? A test is a something that is used to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence of an individual. Test preparation is the method for preparing test. It is mostly used to enhance students ability and improve their performance. You can prepare for test by using following tips.

Don't Procrastinate and Don’t Cram

Mostly, procrastination is the main disadvantage on the part of the students. Firstly, students used to delay the preparation of test and then they cram overnight to cover it. So the first step is to stop procrastinating and cramming in preparation of test. Do it on time so that your mind should stay relaxed and you can perform well.

Plan Your Study Time

Second step is to plan your study time. Planning study helps a lot in performing well. So, divide your time in weekly and daily schedule. It will provide you ease in studying. At the start of the session, plan the study so that you may get good outcomes.

Watch for Clues

Every teacher has her own method for preparing test, and she may use same method every time. Watch the glues that may be provided by teacher about test format and questions. You should be present at test review time to clarify the unclear concepts.

Develop a Test-Taking Routine

You should develop a test-taking routine in the following way.

1.      Be prepared for test

2.      Arrive early and take a moment to relax

3.      Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor

4.      Do a memory dump

5.      Read test directions carefully and watch for details

6.      Plan to use allotted time

7.      Answer all questions

8.      Look for cues

9.      Maintain positive attitude

10.  Relay on your first impressions

11.  Plan to finish early and have time for review

12.  Consider every test a practice session and analyse your performance

Master Objective Test

Objective test is the one which is concise and conceptual. Some students are very weak in these test. If you are the one who got confused in B and C. Then here are certain tips for you.

       I.           Read very carefully

     II.           Cone up with your own answer

  III.           Look for common types of wrong answers

  IV.           Eliminate answers in two rounds, in first eliminate the option wrong information and then compare the remaining.

    V.           Don’t obsess over your choices

  VI.           Manage your time

VII.           Answer every question

How to answer essay questions?

Now its time to learn the techniques of answering essay questions. Firstly, you must know about essay and it’s structure. An essay is a short composition on any topic. Essay should consist of 5 paragraphs. An introduction, 3 body paragraphs and then conclusion. Length should be appropriate, not too lengthy that dragging the topic nor too short that lacking content. Now different steps to answer essay type questions.

a)      Analyse questions by marking and determining the meaning of important words.

b)     Collect and organize information

c)      Develop your thesis or personal opinion, and write it in single sentence in first paragraph of essay

d)     Write the introduction by generalising the topic and focusing on the topic of question. After it, write thesis.

e)      In body, several supporting paragraphs should be written. It must have logical sequence. Major idea of each paragraph should be written with in it, along with details and facts. Essay should be organize from least important to most important.

f)      Write conclusion. You should rewrite the major ideas and thesis in broad sense but don’t repeat words. Don’t write in detail or introduce new information. It should be summarised.

g)     Read over essay and proof read as well by checking spellings, punctuation, complete sentences, subject-verb agreement and other grammar.


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