Building Career Skils

Building Career Skills

A career means to stay in one type of work or path. It may include your education, training and work experience. It may include one or two jobs. Career is main part of one’s life. Different skills are required to build a career. It has different dimensions and perspectives. Let look at some of them.

Working in the New Economy

First of all, you must know what is a new economy? New economy term coined inn 1990s. It is basically advancements in the technology which lead to more industrial production. It represents the transition from traditional manufacturing methods to the new rapid and advanced one. Knowledge, change and globalization are main factors of new economy. It has different features like new horizons, enhanced competition, growth opportunities and customer driven.

Now the point is how new economy is linked with the career skills. As you know that we all are the part of the world. So, we have to cope with it. In order to build the career you must know about the digital and advance technologies like computer, internet, websites and many more. So you should keep yourself up to date.

Where the Jobs will be

Now the area of jobs extends from traditional to the modern one. From agricultural jobs it now changed to the industrial areas. According to your subject and interest, you have to explore jobs. Now horizon of jobs extends. Different jobs are available like

Software developers

Online teacher

Personal Trainer

Digital marketing professional

Big data analyst

Community manager

Environmental engineer

Hospital engineer


CSS Officer

Information security

3D Architect and Engineer

Image consultant

Inside sales representative

Financial manager

Mental health professional

Choosing your Future

Good future is the main goal of many persons. You have to think about it while studying. It molds your whole life. You have to choose it carefully. Take the job of your interest and start working from it. You can do this in the following way

Follow a career path you are passionate about

Think about your location and lifestyle

Know your strengths

Setting Financial Goals

Your Course of Study

Usually course of study involves studying the subjects in academics. Sometimes, it involves only core courses but mostly elective one are also included in it. For your career development you have to show best in your course study. For instance, you are the student of business then you may start your career by small business but first you should be best in learning methods of business and management which will be available in your courses of study.

Your Plan

As career is under discussion so for that plan is the list of short term and long-term goals. The career plan will help in making decisions about future. There are certain steps which may help you in creating good plan for career.

a)      Identify the options for career

b)     Prioritize on the basis of skills, experience and interest

c)      Make comparison between careers

d)     Consider other factors like economic conditions, environment etc

e)      Make a choice

f)      Set SMART goals

                             i.           Specific

                           ii.           Measurable

                         iii.           Attainable

                         iv.           Relevant

                           v.           Time bound

g)     Create your action plan

h)     Meet with career advisor

What Employers Want?

In case of any job, the criteria and things which the employer wants are important. There are certain qualities which mostly want by the employer.

A.    They want experience

B.     They appreciate team work  skills

C.     They want reliable employees

D.    They need initiatives

E.     They like maturity

F.     They want willing to learn

Skills for Career Development

As career is under discussion, so we must know the specific skills required for developing a good career. These are as follow:

1.      Self analysis

2.      Data analysis

3.      Innovative thinking and critical analysis

4.      Management of any kind of change

5.      Professional agility

6.      Advanced presentation skills

7.      Self belief and confidence

8.      Empathy

9.      Business communication for the digital age

10.  Problem solving and conflict resolution

Workplace Ethics

Workplace Ethics is the moral code of behavior that guides the employee during decision. It is the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. It is the skill to look at the interest of one’s self and organization but it should be morally right as well. It is important in certain ways like

       i.           Ethical behavior of employees promote organization growth.

     ii.           It improves business outcomes

   iii.           The perception of ethical behavior can increase employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust and organizational citizenship behaviors.

From University to Work

After getting graduated from the University, you have to go for the work. It involves a transition from the study routine to a working environment. You have to follow the tough schedule. You have to follow the tips.

1.      Get into a routine before start,

2.      Review your wardrobe

3.      Rethink your diet

4.      Keep your interest

Your Resume and Cover Letter

A resume is factual and brief description of professional skills and experience. While a cover letter is little bit detailed one. It includes details of your skills and abilities. For your career and job you must know about resume and cover letter. You must know to create them.

What should a resume include?

A resume must have following points.

A.    Contact information

B.    Career summary or career objective

C.    Work experience section

D.    Education section

E.     Skills

F.     Extra resume sections (courses, publications, certificates, conferences, languages, etc.

What should a cover letter include?

A cover letter has certain details.

1.      Professional cover letter heading

2.      Proper cover letter address section

3.      Proper salutation

4.      Compelling cover letter introduction

5.      Reasons you chose to apply to this company

6.      Your offer and a strong closing statement

7.      Optionally, a postscript to hook their attention once more

The Interview

Interview is the structured conversation between two or more persons. It is the most important part of your job and career. There are certain tips to prepare and perform well in the interview.

       I.           Review common interview questions

     II.           Make a list of questions that you would like to ask during the interview

  III.           Be prepared

  IV.           On the day of interview, try to arrive early, dress in an appropriate manner, Turn off the cell phone, bring your sense of humor and smile.

    V.           Display the confidence during the interview

  VI.           End the interview with the good impression


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