Becoming an Active Listener


1.     How to Become an Active Listener

Listening is one of the major skills for a good student. It is very important in classroom activities as well. You must be an active listener during the class. It is very different from hearing. It involves conscious activity. One must know what’s going on a in the class? What the instructor is saying?  There are different tips for good listening skill.

Finding areas of interest

In a classroom, a student is a captive audience during the lecture. If you are not willing to listen anything then that time is totally wasted. Don’t read a book during a lecture. Then, you will not any information from both book and lecture. You must focus on the speaker and try to develop your interest in the topic.

Judging content not delivery

It’s human nature to judge everything. During the lecture, you should not focus on the way the speaker is speaking. Rather you should focus on the content which he is providing you. Leave out the negative thoughts and shift your focus entirely on the information and ideas.

Holding your fire

Sometimes it happens few ideas are opposite to your knowledge. Don’t stand up abruptly and start posing question. First, pay ears to all the lecture and then response to it. Don’t overexcite about the lecturer’s point until you are sure that, you understand it completely. Hold your fire, don’t decide immediately that you are right and someone else is wrong. After the complete lecture and its understanding you can ask questions for clarification but don’t attack directly ask in a humble way.

Listening for Ideas

Though facts are necessary for academics but don’t stick yourself to them try to grab the ideas/ you must focus on the way which the facts are suggesting for you. Try to grab the basic ideas related to topic.

Be a flexible listener

While listening to the lecture, you have to be a flexible student try to make a mind map in your mind. Don’t be rigid that you are limiting yourself only to the words of your instructor. Try to instances from the daily life. Relate the ideas with your personal life.

Working at listening

An active listener will always be alert during the class. He will nod his head in agreement with the points. He will be seen as confuse when things are not clear to him. This activity will promote comprehensiveness. It will also provide encouragement to the speaker.

Resist distractions

Distractions always disturb a listener. There can be different distractions in a class like students’ whisperings, speaker’s dress and manner, outside noise and outside views. Try to resist them. Don’t pay attention towards them focus on the speaker.

Exercising your mind

You should try to follow the lecturer’s chain of thoughts and ideas. Some of the ideas can be difficult for you. You have to put hard work and hard work of listening gives you strength.

Keep your mind open

Keep your mind open and try to get all the ideas. Leave the negative thoughts related to vocabulary a word has many meanings. In context meanings are different from the literal one. Try to explore the intention of speaker.

Using your thought speed

A problem in listening can be that thought is faster than speech. That is you have to internalize the information faster than speech. When the lecturer is speaking try to provoke your thoughts. When she demands your ideas, create them and share with the speaker.




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